Wow, for years I've been so scathing about the blog and chatroom culture, which is admittedly kind of unjustified, since some people who I would call very good friends are regular bloggers! But here I am, getting ready for travels, and realising that this is the only way I can realistically keep everyone up-to-date (everyone that wants to be kept up-to-date - I realise most people will just do what I do and glance at this once and never do it again!). But I can certainly see the merits in keeping in touch with close friends and family, so they don't get offended I'm not calling them enough ;) Hopefully they will leave me messages on this blog too so I don't feel too lonely!
So, progress at the moment is looking good. It'd want to, as I fly out in less than 7 weeks! July 21st is D-day, flights are booked and paid for in full, host family notified, greek islands tour booked... I may not have any insurance or a visa yet but I'm well on my way :)
Mum & Dad's flights are also booked which is possibly the most exciting aspect of the whole trip. I can' believe I get to show them my other little corner of the world!
I won't carry on because no-one even knows this blog exists yet, but I have posted two images from this week - one is the whale breach Bec & I ought to have seen on Thursday afternoon if the rough weather hadn't blown in. The other shows why we should be extremely glad that they did cancel all the tours!
Yay! Hot blog!
Not you again MONKEY BREATH. Yeah good blog! TCARD RULES, i think there is a job waiting for you when you get back
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